Torrent Info
2024-02-13 17:28

2D/3.22 Programming the Melee Enemy.mp4

2D/5.39 The Importance of Playtesting.mp4

2D/3.24 Programming the Summoner.mp4

2D/3.27 Making Wave Spawner.mp4

2D/3.23 Drawing and Animating the Summoner.mp4

2D/7.48 Creating the Main Menu.mp4

2D/6.41 Creating Particle Effects.mp4

2D/7.49 Making Scene Transition.mp4

2D/5.36 Drawing and Animating the Boss Part 2.mp4

2D/6.45 Implementing the Sound Effects.mp4

2D/3.26 Programming the Ranged Enemy.mp4

2D/2.17 Creating the Projectile's Particle Effect.mp4

2D/7.50 Creating the Win and Lose Scenes.mp4

2D/3.25 Drawing and Animating the Ranged Enemy.mp4

2D/4.29 Creating More Weapons and Projectiles.mp4

2D/5.35 Drawing and Animating the Boss Part 1.mp4

2D/2.10 Introduction to Unity's Animation Tools.mp4

2D/2.8 Importing the Character in Unity.mp4

2D/6.42 Adding Screen Shake and a Hurt Panel.mp4

2D/2.14 Creating the Player's Weapon.mp4


2D/2.18 Making the Camera Follow Script.mp4

2D/5.38 Programming the Boss Part 2.mp4

2D/4.31 Creating Health UI Part 1.mp4

2D/4.30 Enemy Drops.mp4

2D/5.37 Programming the Boss Part 1.mp4

2D/7.51 Publishing your Game on Itch.Io.mp4

2D/2.11 Creating the Player's Animations.mp4


2D/4.33 Creating Health Pickups.mp4

2D/6.44 Creating Sound Effects.mp4

2D/3.21 Setting up the Enemy Class.mp4

2D/2.16 Shooting Projectiles.mp4

2D/2.7 Painting the Player Character.mp4

2D/6.46 Creating a Health Bar for the Boss.mp4

2D/3.20 Drawing and Animating the Melee Enemy.mp4

2D/4.32 Creating Health UI Part 2.mp4

2D/7.52 Bonus Lecture What next.mp4

2D/6.43 Creating a Cool Custom Cursor.mp4

2D/2.13 Creating the Animation Transitions.mp4

2D/2.12 Programming the Player's Movement.mp4

2D/2.9 Creating the characters.mp4

2D/3.19 Section Introduction.mp4

2D/2.15 Weapon Rotation.mp4


2D/4.28 Section Introduction.mp4

2D/5.34 Section Introduction.mp4

2D/6.40 Section Introduction.mp4

2D/7.47 Section Introduction.mp4